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Christmas is coming!

Posted by Felicia Monday, October 15, 2012, under | 0 comments
I know what you think when you see that title......we haven't even had Thanksgiving yet, what's the rush? Let me tell you! When it comes to saving money, it is never to early to start thinking and planning!! Money is going to be tight this year(as usual) so I am already thinking ahead. What are some of your ways to save money during the holiday season? Here are a few of mine: Black Friday!! - No, don't just go out and buy "stuff" because...

UNJUNK your candy!

Posted by Felicia , under | 0 comments
Candy, candy, candy.... no matter how I try to eliminate it from our home it always makes it's way back in. If it just wasn't sooo bad for us and our kids then it wouldn't bother me as much. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE candy (as my body can attest, haha), I just wish it could be better for us to eat. I was recently invited to host an Unreal candy party in my home where I could invite some fabulous people over for good times and candy that is...