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Something to love-Bath & Body Works Aromatherapy Sugar Scrub (Review)

Posted by Felicia Thursday, December 9, 2010, under , , | 2 comments
I don't think I have ever told you before, but I have dangerously dry skin. Okay, maybe not "dangerously", but it is VERY dry and every winter I battle cracked skin and painful feet when I walk. I have always been this way to the point where my mom would toss me in an oatmeal bath to soften my skin and then douse me in baby oil. I thought this was the only relief I would ever find for my horrid skin. I had tried just smothering myself in just about...

Happy Holidays!

Posted by Felicia Wednesday, December 8, 2010, under | 0 comments
Hope everyone is having a great holiday so far!I have to say Christmas is my FAVORITE time of year! All of our homes become even more warm and inviting than they are the rest of the year with our home cooking, lit Christmas trees and the joy everyone is feeling inside as we all become kids again. Our children lighting up at the mention of Santa Claus and asking how many more days till Christmas. Singing Christmas carols in the car and at home and...

Review: KT Tunstall "Tiger Suit"

Posted by Felicia Friday, October 22, 2010, under , , , | 0 comments
I was so excited to be contacted by One2One Network for another great CD review! I was sent the Harry Connick JR CD a while back and it was a lot of fun and best of all FREE! :)So, this time I was given the opportunity to review KT Tunstall's new album "Tiger Suit". For anyone who has not heard of her before, you may recognize her from "Black Horse and the Cherry Tree", "Suddenly I See", "Other Side of the World" or "Hold On". I love all of those...

Review: Sesame Street Video USB

Posted by Felicia Friday, September 3, 2010, under | 2 comments
I was recently contacted and asked if I would like to review a new Sesame Street Video USB and I jumped at the chance! Both of my little ones enjoy Sesame Street, especially Elmo! I had never heard of the Video USB's so I was instantly intrigued!I was sent "The Best Of Elmo Video USB" to review for my kiddos. I have to say, when it first arrived I thought it was the cutest little thing and so easy for an on-the-go mom! It is made of a soft rubber...

Updated Freebies!

Posted by Felicia Friday, July 9, 2010, under | 0 comments
Hey everyone, sorry I have been absent for a while! It has a been a busy summer so far and it's not about to stop so I will be in and out for another month. Believe me when I say, if I come across anything I just HAVE to share or any exceptional deals I will be sharing with you! :)I went ahead and added a few new Freebies to the sidebar, but HURRY a couple of them are for a limited tim...

U*Neaks Winner!

Posted by Felicia Thursday, May 27, 2010, under | 2 comments
Winning comment:#26 Renee L. said...I follow you on Twitter! @fiannesqueaksI am so happy to say we have a winner! I absolutely love these shoes and I am sure you will too Renee L. ! Thank you so much to everyone who entered and don't forget to visit for a great discount on U*Neaks shoe...

Give It All Away Thursdays!! May 20,2010

Posted by Felicia Thursday, May 20, 2010, under | 4 comments
Want a place to share your Blog Giveaways?Need a great list of Giveaways to enter all from one page?Look no further, you have come to the right place!!First things first of course :) I have a great Giveaway of my own this week--a pair of U*Neaks Shoes and Socks! You don't want to miss out on this one so just click this LINK and enter to win!Need more fun entering Giveaways or just want to leave you own link behind? Great! Just enter or link up below...

U*Neaks Review and Giveaway

Posted by Felicia Tuesday, May 18, 2010, under | 30 comments
I am in LOVE! I recently discovered the U*Neaks shoes on another blog that I read and I just had to try them out for myself, well my son did anyway. I had even mentioned them to a couple of my mommy friends because they were so doggone cute! So, I contacted the people at U*Neaks to see if they would like me to review their shoes and host a giveaway for my readers and they said yes! I was so EXCITED and I can't even wear them!Before I start my review,...

And the Winner is......

Posted by Felicia Sunday, May 2, 2010, under | 1 comments
.....Shooting Stars Mag said...follow you on twitter: @shootingstarmagCongratulations and I hope you enjoy it!! :)Thank you to everyone who participated and I hope to have more great giveaways coming up! Until then, stay "Frugal"!! ...

And the Winner is....

Posted by Felicia Sunday, April 25, 2010, under | 2 comments
...Comment #17Jodi-I'm following you on twitter - @crazeypoetCongrats Jodi!I will be contacting you soon and I hope you enjoy this set!And don't forget to check out the $50 Prize Pack giveaway from ArtSkills her...

ArtSkills Review and Giveaway

Posted by Felicia Friday, April 23, 2010, under | 42 comments
Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to make a poster and you had no idea where to start? You want to make something special that will leave a lasting impression, but all you can think of are the basic stencils and glued on paper? Or maybe you just want to create something simple that will last. I was recently contacted by a representative of ArtSkills and they asked if I would be interested in doing a review for them. Of course I...

Rachael Ray "Bubble & Brown" 2-piece Stoneware Baker Set GIVEAWAY!

Posted by Felicia Saturday, April 17, 2010, under | 227 comments
This giveaway is now closed-stay tuned for the winner announcement and please check out the $50 ArtSkills giveaway here!It's time for another great giveaway and I know you are all going to want this one! Thanks to the great people at I am giving away a set of Rachael Ray "Bubble & Brown" 2-piece Stoneware Baker Set in Orange. These are things of beauty and even I am jealous of whoever wins these babies!!Before I get into the giveaway,...

HELP: I need organization!

Posted by Felicia Friday, April 16, 2010, under | 8 comments
So, our bedroom is pretty small. By small I mean, we have way too much stuff in it and just enough room left to walk around the bed and climb in, if you are lucky enough not to trip on toys my 3 yr old left on the floor. :) We have a HUGE entertainment center with too much stuff piled on it, which takes up WAAAAY too much space. There are two desks with computers, a treadmill, dresser, nightstands and two bookshelves. Something HAS to give!!! It...

Frugal Recipe No. 3

Posted by Felicia Thursday, April 8, 2010, under | 11 comments
Ok, so you know that thing in the back of your cabinet, maybe high up on a shelf? It has a cord, and some settings that say Low, High and if you lucky Med and Warm. Some even come with a timer-fancy, huh? Well, it's called a Slow Cooker(or Crock Pot as I call mine) and let me tell you..IT IS YOUR FRIEND!! I have made many a cheap meal in mine and they are so great for busy days when you know you won't have time to mess with dinner. You can really...

And the winner is...

Posted by Felicia Tuesday, March 9, 2010, under | 4 comments
...Kitty from post #57! "tweeted 3/6---"Congratulations !!I hope to hear back from you on what you receive from They have some wonderful products to offer and I would love to hear what you think of them!Thanks for entering everyone and I hope to have more giveaways in the near futur...

Hair Coverings Review and Giveaway!

Posted by Felicia Thursday, March 4, 2010, under | 78 comments
When I was first contacted by Hair Coverings, I had never heard of them and I was curious to see what they had to offer. I went to their website to check them out and I must say they have a lot of great items! They have a great variety of different things that I have never seen sold online before. I would say that they have a very unique site and one that a lot of people would find very useful!At first glace I didn't see any products I would personally...

Rainbow Brite Adventure Pack CD Review

Posted by Felicia Monday, March 1, 2010, under | 3 comments
Remember Rainbow Brite from when you were a kid? Boy do I!! I would say that is one of my fondest memories of a favorite childhood cartoon character that I just HAD to have! In fact, I am not ashamed to admit I still have an original VHS from when I was a kid that I used to watch and a Patty-O-Green doll -just ready to share with my little girl. Now Rainbow Brite is back and she has a few new friends along with her!They have changed Rainbow Brite's...